
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Gifts from the sea...

Well, this post is definitely not about the timeless book of Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Althought its one of my favorite books and I had the habit of reading it every summer for the last 10 years, today's post is about real gifts of the sea.

You know what they say: 'when life gives you lemons, make a lemonade' but what if sea gives  you  a can of beer???

Here our days start between 6:00 - 6:30 with the morning walk of Hera at the seaside. As we are the early birds we found this can of beer produced in Greece.

It is most probably fell from a passing boat but I like to think that it swam all the way from Symi, the Greek island in front of Datca.

So, when life gave me a can of beer, I did the most logical thing: Cooled and drank it  at my balcony and sent a  big cheers to Symi.

So tell me what are the most interesting things you found at the beach? I have to tell you that I also saw an old iron couple days ago but it probably needs a good fix but so far my most expensive find was a Christian Dior sun glass..After a good cleaning my mother still uses it.


  1. Gosh, I have never found anything except seashells at the beach.

  2. ooo new adventures!!! i LOVE your blog :)

  3. well this is just too funny!
    i found some interesting white "sticks" on beach once, which i and grandson scooped up and brought home to put in pretty vase..later i researched and found out they were dead sea worms..ewwww, i threw them out immediately!

  4. I'm excited to see your posts from the Meditteranean! I've only found sea creatures and things like that but I love looking for treasures! You scored!Jennifer:)

  5. I've found empty beer cans (and other trash), but never a full one! I love that you imagined it came all the way from Symi, that is as it should be.

    Thank you for your thoughtful comment on my loss. I spent last weekend at the beach watching other dogs play and got a few sloppy kisses in return. Sheldon will always be in my heart, just as Sheba will be in yours.

    Loved seeing the pic of you and Hera, so cute. Enjoy your summer, I'll be watching!

  6. A full beer! How neat. :D

    I've only found trash and some pretty sea glass.

    I love the new blog header!

  7. It sounds wonderful ! Lucky you !!

  8. Just sand and sea shells. Would love to find a note in a bottle though. Haven't been to a beach in many years...miss it. Love the new header.

  9. Cool! I never found anything interesting in the sea only sea shells... but in Cancun I found a very nice ones!

  10. I never found anything that interesting at the beach.

  11. Hi Aysegul! Didn't need to come from sea... ;))

    Blogtrotter Two has arrived in Sardinia, a true hidden gem also in Mediterranean waters! Enjoy the views and have a great week ahead!!

  12. A boat! There was a shipwreck at the beach in Marina Del Rey a few months ago. It might still be there. My photos were awful, though, because I forgot to white balance.

    I might have preferred a beer.

  13. Oh I love it, I too would pop open that can of beer and enjoy every sip of it. All the while I would dream of where it came from....
    enjoy your summer

  14. i would have done the same thing !!
    i think the saying also goes... when life hands you lemons; ask for tequila and salt!

  15. Great! I've never found any thing special from the beach. Shales was all I could found ;)

  16. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
    would that i were to find such a can on a beach one day!



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