
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Two lovers..

We have saved this special exhibition for Valentines Day, and yesterday we, two lovers went to visit another two lovers visiting İstanbul. Frida and Diego are in İstanbul with their amazing paintings..
Although theirs was a shaky relationship, I always admire the intense affaction and the artistic creativity of both. I think that I have never seen another female painter than Frida who described her love  to a man so strongly, so emotionally and so painfully..

I admired the great murals of Diego Rivera during my visit to Mexico, but I do not remember seeing paintings from him. So couple Diego paintings from the exhibition were such a different treat.

Wishing you a year filled with love....


  1. How grand! They are two of my favorite painters...they were both so full of life and so feisty! ...their story had a lot of pain and maybe that added fuel to their fire too. I would LOVE to see that exhibition! How fortunate that you were there! best, Susan

  2. Theirs are such powerful, emotive works. Looks like a fabulous exhibition. Thanks for sharing a bit of it with us!

  3. What a wonderful exhibition to see -- you're so lucky!

  4. Lucky you, I have several books about Frida and her work, even bought the dvd 'Frida' with the wonderful Salma Hayek playing Frida, but I never, ever saw her paintings in real.( I will some day)
    She is an inspiration not only as a painter but also as a woman, living a full life 'till the end and turning pain and sadness into great art.
    xx Renilde

  5. Very good paintings! I love the art of both of them. Frida Khalo is coming from the same kind of artisits as Georgia O'Keefe, whose work I also admire. I envy you that you have such a valuable exhibition in Istanbul! Mehraba!

  6. Beautiful paintings! Their love wasn't easy-at least this is what I can say seeing a movie and reading her biography

  7. O, I've never been so close to Frida and Diego...except for a couple movies...loved Frida's story...such a difficult life, she had. And Diego was such a rip-roaring kind of man to deal with...nothing like their passion, though! Thanks for showing us this beautiful group of paintings!

  8. I've always been fascinated by Frida Khalo.

    Thanks for posting this.
    Marvellous read and collection of images.

    Betty xx

  9. I became interested after seeing the movie and found their paintings on the Internet. Have never seen the real ones. Such a tragic love story, though.

  10. wow...wonderful valentines outing! you can see the strong personality in each portrait! excellent post :)

  11. Happy Valentine's day (late) but Hope you had a great day! How nice that the paintings are in Istambul! I've been to Frida's and Diego's blue and pink houses in Mexico but never seen any mural of Diego Rivera. Everytime I want to see the one in the Government Palace is closed or it's having a restauration work! but I'm a big fan of both!!!

  12. Wonderful. I would like to see their exhibits.



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