
Friday, October 5, 2012

Hierepolis Antique City

Pamukkale is one of the main tourist attractions in Turkey thanks to its cotton like hills formed due to hot water flowing down the cliff and carved this formation. Many local and foreign tourist love to walk on these white hills and pay dearly to enter the nearby ancient pool of the antique city..The columns inside the pool were from an earthquke in the 7th century.

 However our main purpose was to explore the ruins of the antique city of Hieropolis which is located near the white hills. Hieropolis founded around 190 BC and had always been a tourist attraction thruout the history thanks to its thermal waters. It was a healing center and its hot waters used as spa since 2nd century BC.

 The photo below is from the latrines of the city. It's an interesting thing how they loved to chat and relieve themselves at the same time...
 Most magnificient building is the theather. It was constructed in 129, and Italian archeologist are working on it since 1957. It had a capacity of 9500 and known with its gladiator fights..
Although it was almost the end of September, the weather was so hot and as I was experiencing the initial stages of a heatstroke, I couldnt take some decent and detailed photos of the theatre. I realize that lately we are dealing with unexpected harsh weathers in our travels. Maybe its time to make some offerings to Hermes, the protector of the travellers. Afterall antique cities are THE places where I can find him..


  1. Thanks for the wonderful tour. We have not mineral springs 10 miles from my house...not the kind you show here, nevertheless an open-to-the-sky spa :)

  2. Turkey is so full of treasures! Those white hills are fabulous.

  3. Oh my we would be the first ones in
    Benny & Lily

  4. Just amazing that salt.


  5. Wonderful, Aysegul, thank you. And if you have another chance to talk to Hermes, please do ask for some help with this global warming.

  6. Dayım orda tur rehberi yıllardır :) Ne gzel dimi yerel insanı köylüleri oranın ? Kısa boylu göbekli utangaç sevimli teyzeler,yağ zeytin incir satan gençler ..Nasıl özledim ya ,varya sokakların kokusu bile burnumda



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