
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Swimming in February...

After two days of heavy wind and rain, weather gods allowed these brave souls to swim yesterday at the 7. International Winter Swimming Marathon of Datça...As we were busy shopping at the Saturday's market we missed the start of 5 km race but rushed to see the start of the 2,5 km...

İki gün süren şiddetli yağmur ve fırtınadan sonra, dün hava, bu kahramanlara izin verdi ve 7. Uluslararası. Datça Yüzme Maratonu yapılabildi..Biz o sırada pazarda haftalık alışverişimizi yaptığımız için, 5 km. nin start'ını kaçırdık ama 2,5 km için tam zamanında oradaydık...

Water should be really cold and somehow the organization did not allow them to wear body suit, so after the start , first casualities started to return complaining about cramps..

I usually open the swimming season early May, and even at that time sea tempratures are  usually very low.. I cant imagine how cold it is right now..So a big CONGRATULATION to these guys and gals....

Su çok soğuk olmasına rağmen organizasyon nedense body suit tarzı mayolara izin vermediğinden yarış başlar başlamaz kramplardan yakınan yüzücüler geri dönmeye başladılar...

Ben normalde yüzme sezonunu Mayıs ayının başı gibi açarım ve o zaman bile deniz suyu insanı dondurur. Şimdilerde ise ne kadar soğuk olabileceğini hayal bile edemiyorum..Dolayısıyla tüm katılanlara buradan hayranlık dolusu kocaman bir HELAL OLSUN....


  1. They are indeed brave souls! The water moust be so cold now! When I'm in Rhodes I don't manage to get into the water until June... :D

    Thank you SO much for your sweet words and wishes for Lilli, my friend! She indeed hates the collar, poor thing... but it's a must for healing! xxx

  2. Bonkers! is the only comment that comes to mind.

  3. Congratulations to them!The water must be so cold!I also don't start swimming until June!I loved your photos of the event!Have a lovely day!

  4. amazingly keen to brave such cold temps....looks like fun though!
    I am loving your blog.
    Bec x

  5. I don't know whether to call them brave or crazy, but I hope they all had a good time.



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