Yesterday Turquoise Diaries was on her first daily tour of the season on the Turquoise Coast of Turkey. As it is customary here, we have joined a daily tour boat and went to Sedir island or also known as Cleopatra İsland. The first picture is from here..jpg)
What is famous with this island is its very small and unique beach. Story goes that Cleopatra had brought this sand from Red Sea for her sun baths but in reality it is a very rare and organic sand made from sea shells where each grain of sand is a perfect sphere. Nowadays its forbidden to enter the beach as well as to remove any sand from the island. .jpg)
Island is also an open museum. Dorians are its first inhabitants. Later the island saw permanent settlements in the Greek, Persian, Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine areas. After a cooling swim just like Cleopatra, I spent happy hours walking around the ruins. .jpg)